3 Things I Invested to Love Myself

personal development and mental health
personal growth and mental health mean everything

Once upon a time, there was a little girl.

She’s cold and lonely, thinking no one loves her and she doesn’t deserves attention from the ones she loves.

She gives and gives and she never expects anything in return.

But then she thought, why am I still alone?

If I keep giving my care and love to other people, shouldn’t they do the same for me? Sadly, it’s not the case.

After so many heartbreaking moments and she realized, no one will love yourself more than you do. So she took a deep breath and decided to treat herself with good stuff before she gives other people attention.

She got stronger and wiser.

She learned from the mistakes she made and moved on. She invested more time and energy to be with those who care for her and are willing to grow with her together.

That little girl was me.

Here I want to share 3 things that I have spent my hard earn money on and make myself more beautiful, stronger, and happier:

1. Training sessions with a personal trainer.

Luckily for me, I live in Shanghai and found a super affordable personal trainer for my gym session.
I am quite a lazy person when it comes to workout or exercise and I hate doing cardio, and I knew if I do sign up for a gym membership I would just pay and never actually go to the gym. So I decided to just do workout with a trainer instead. It’s much easier to perform in consistency when there’s someone there watching you and keep an eye on you. The trainer will make sure you are doing the right action with correct position.

My biggest issue with my body was not over weight or too fat anything like that, I mean of course I would want to lose wright as well that turns out that wasn’t what was wrong.

My problem was my posture, my back was not straight at all and yes I have hunched back and hunched shoulders.
The 1 hour session with the trainer cost me approx. US$30 (RMB200). I have done 25 session so far and have just purchased another 50 sessions during the double eleven shopping festival. (similar to black friday in the US) to get a cheaper price.
So total I have spent US$2285 on my personal training session.

And I am happy about the result so far.

My posture has improved so much, and I am walking with more confidence now.

2. Learning skills that I never thought I would be able to do

Have you ever looked at the DJ on the stage at a club and thinking – ummm…that’s really cool, I wish I was cool like that?
Well, I have.
And I did! I even made my own music, a house music track, and distributed to 150+ digital musical partners for streaming and for downloading, including Spotify, ITunes and Apple Music.

While I am not selling thousands of copies of my music or making million dollars by releasing one song, I am happy to say I did it! I am officially a musician! (well not really, lol)

I learned everything by spending hours on Youtube watching tutorials on how to make your own music without any music theory.
I bought a midi keyboard online and used it to make my first beat.
If you’ve read this far, please go to my Youtube Channel for my music here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkO10Hxwkto

3. Invisible braces for my teeth

I have not been very confident smiling with my mouth open when growing up, and wearing braces sounds really painful and expensive.

But when I am older and with more funds in the bank, I decided to do what’s best for me. And make myself feeling more confident and beautiful.

One of my friend Lucas founded a company XiXiLab, they basically do everything invisalign does but only charge half the price!

Invisible braces for less than US$3,000.00. It’s a steal! My teeth condition was not too bad just with one tooth poping out of all the other ones. I received total 35 pairs of invisible braces for my treatment. It will take me 350 days to complete the whole project and really looking forward to it.

What have you spent money on to love yourself more? Let me know!

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