5 Easy Steps to Make Money Writing with Affiliate Marketing

Unlock your earning potential with these 5 steps

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash


It’s a great time to be a content writer. With the rise of affiliate marketing, you can earn money by sharing products and services you like with your readers. 

There’s no shame here. 

Everybody loves reading views and recommendations before they made their purchase, and you are just helping them out by providing insightful content. 

In the meanwhile, brands and companies give you incentives for your hard work promoting their products and bringing them customers.


Here’s how to get started with affiliate marketing as a content writer:

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a popular form of online marketing where a business rewards an affiliate (You) for each customer brought in through the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

Basically, you will be acting as the salesperson on behalf of the brand. In order to help the brand sell the products, you will be doing a lot of writing or video-making with a persuasive tone of voice so that people who read your article might become a customer.

If anyone made the purchase through the link you provided, you got a sale! That means you will receive a commission.

Now, let’s dive in.

1. Research and find the right products

The first step to getting started with affiliate marketing is to find the right products. You should be looking for products that are relevant to your audience and that you have used before.

The best way to do this is by using Google AdWords Keyword Planner or SEMrush, which will show you what people are searching for when they look up a particular topic or product.

If there are no related keywords available in either tool (or if there aren’t enough), then it might not be worth pursuing this avenue of monetization just yet!

The next step is finding affiliate programs that offer high commission rates on their products — this can often be found on sites like Clickbank and Commission Junction. The last thing you want is someone clicking through your link only for them not to get anything out of it because there wasn’t enough incentive from the merchant side!

2. Write

Once you’ve identified an audience and a topic, it’s time to start writing.

The key to successful content marketing is creating content that is interesting, valuable, unique, and informative. Here are some tips:

  • Write about topics your readers care about. You can do this by asking them questions or conducting research on what they want to know about your niche.
  • Make sure that each article has an opening paragraph explaining why the reader should keep reading (this should be compelling enough so that people want more). Then, use paragraphs of 3–5 sentences each — this makes it easier for people who skim articles.
  • It also helps if you have subheaders within each section as well as bullet points under those headers so everything’s easy to read without sacrificing style or tone.”

I am not a native English speaker, so I prefer to use different tools to help me write faster, edit, and check grammar. There are so many AI tools out there nowadays to help you become a better writer!

3. Edit and Publish

Once you’ve written your content, it’s time to edit and publish.

  • Rewrite your content. 
    You may not have had the time or energy to do a thorough writing pass on your first draft, so this step is crucial if you want to create high-quality content that will impress readers and earn you money through affiliate marketing.
  • Make sure it’s error-free. 
    Once you’ve rewritten your article, check for grammar and spelling errors with Grammarly (or another similar tool). If there are any mistakes left after using a tool like this one, go back over them manually until they are gone!
  • Check for SEO issues: 
    It’s also important that you ensure that your article has no technical SEO issues — otherwise Google won’t show it in search results when people look up keywords related to what they’re reading about! To test whether or not this is happening already with any given piece of content before publishing it online via platforms like WordPress or Blogger etc., use Yoast SEO Plugin which comes preinstalled on most CMS websites these days anyway…
  • Publish consistently: 
    One of the best ways to get more traffic from Google is to publish consistently! This means that you should try and publish new content on your site at least once a week if not more often. The more unique, quality content you have up there for people to read about, the better your chances are that they’ll come back again in search of something else!

4. Share and Promote

Once you’ve written the content, it’s time to share it. 

The best way to do this is by using social media. You should share your articles on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn as well as post them on your blog (if you have one). 

You can also ask people in groups or forums that are relevant to your niche if they would like to share your article with their followers by giving them a link where they can find it easily.

If all else fails, use Buffer! It’s an app that lets users schedule posts for later so that they don’t have to remember when each post needs publishing and then manually do everything at once.

5. Scale it like a business

Now that you’ve got your first affiliate program set up, it’s time to scale.

You can do this by:

  • Joining more affiliate programs and promoting more products that are relevant to your audience’s interests.
  • Increase the frequency and quantity of your articles.
  • Collect email addresses on your blog/website so you have a base audience to send offers to in the future.

I’ve created a FREE Step-by-Step workbook about how I made more than $500 a month with affiliate marketing.

If you want to do the same, download it here

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn some extra money from the comfort of your own home. It’s easy to get started with affiliate marketing, and you don’t need any special skills or qualifications!

All you need is an internet connection and a website where you can promote your products or services. Once you’ve set up these things, it’s time for step two: finding affiliate programs that match with your interests and expertise — and then signing up for them!


If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, affiliate marketing is a great option. You can use the tips in this article to get started today!


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