How to Create Editorial Calendar for Your Blog

Plan your content with an editorial calendar.

What is an editorial calendar?

An editorial calendar is a planning tool that helps bloggers and content creators organize their content creation schedule.

It provides a roadmap of the topics to be covered, the publishing dates, and the target audience. It helps ensure a steady flow of content and prevents last-minute scrambling to come up with ideas.

Who will need an editorial calendar?

Anyone who produces content regularly, such as bloggers, content marketers, and social media managers, can benefit from using an editorial calendar.

It helps them plan ahead, stay organized, and maintain consistency in their content output.

So if you are a content creator, even if you are a YouTuber, you will need a calendar to plan ahead what you will be making for the future.

What is the benefit of having an editorial calendar?

The benefits of having an editorial calendar include improved organization, increased productivity, and better content quality.

It also helps ensure that content aligns with business objectives and provides a better user experience for readers.

It also helps when you know the holidays in advance. So you can create content related to that theme in advance.

Another benefit of having an editorial calendar is it allows you to create content in bulk, so you don’t have to worry about posting every day. You can make the content once a week following the calendar and you can have more time to be creative and learn new skills to improve the quality of your content.

How to create an editorial calendar?

To create an editorial calendar, start by defining your content goals, audience, and topics.

Choose a format that works best for you, such as a spreadsheet or a project management tool. Decide on a frequency for publishing content and assign deadlines for each piece.

Finally, review and adjust the calendar regularly to ensure it aligns with your goals.

How often should we make or update an editorial calendar?

It’s recommended to update the editorial calendar at least once a month, if not more frequently.

When I was working as the marketing manager for an international hotel, we would draft up the marketing calendar before the end of the year. And following that up with an editorial calendar with a meeting once a week to review the details.

This ensures that content stays relevant and timely, and allows for adjustments based on changes in business objectives or audience needs.


When creating an editorial calendar, consider your goals for content creation. Are you aiming to increase conversions, attract more followers, or use content as a lead magnet?

Ensure that each piece of content aligns with these goals and helps move your audience closer to taking the desired action.

AI tools can also be used to generate ideas and create a month’s worth of content for your editorial calendar.

However, it’s important to review and tailor the suggestions to fit your brand voice and style.

Here are Five great AI writing tools for you to try.

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